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Produkt zum Begriff Collaboration:

  • Logitech Pro Personal Video Collaboration Kit
    Logitech Pro Personal Video Collaboration Kit

    Logitech Pro Personal Video Collaboration Kit - Kit für Videokonferenzen

    Preis: 295.19 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Logitech Wired Personal Video Collaboration Kit
    Logitech Wired Personal Video Collaboration Kit

    Logitech Wired Personal Video Collaboration Kit - Kit für Videokonferenzen

    Preis: 200.05 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Yealink Video Collaboration Bar A10-010
    Yealink Video Collaboration Bar A10-010

    - Multimedia-Technik Konferenzlösungen Telefon - Yealink Video Collaboration Bar A10-010

    Preis: 1019.47 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs
    Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs

    “I spend much time helping organizations capture requirements and even more time helping them recover from not capturing requirements. Many of them have gone through some motions regarding requirements as if they were sleepworking. It’s time to wake up and do it right–and this book is going to be their alarm clock.”     –Jerry Weinberg, author of numerous books on productivity enhancement “In today’s complex, fast-paced software development environment, collaboration–the intense peer-to-peer conversations that result in products, decisions, and knowledge sharing–is absolutely essential to success. But all too often, attempts to collaborate degenerate into agonizing meetings or ineffectual bull sessions. Ellen's wonderful book will help you bridge the gap–turning the agony of meetings into the ecstasy of effective collaboration.”     –Jim Highsmith, a pioneer in adaptive software development methods “Requirements by Collaboration presents a wealth of practical tools and techniques for facilitating requirements development workshops. It is suitable–no, essential reading–for requirements workshop facilitators. It will help both technical people and customer representatives participate in these critical contributions to software success.”     –Karl Wiegers, Principal Consultant, Process Impact, author of Software Requirements “The need for this particular book, at this particular time, is crystal clear. We have entered a new age where software development must be viewed as a form of business problem solving. That means direct user participation in developing ‘requirements,’ or more accurately, in jointly working the business problem. That, in turn, means facilitated sessions. In this book, Ellen Gottesdiener provides a wealth of practical ideas for ensuring that you have exactly the right stuff for this all-important area of professional art.”     –Ronald G. Ross, Principal, Business Rule Solutions, LLC, Executive Editor, “Gottesdiener’s years of software development experience coupled with her straight-forward writing style make her book a perfect choice for either a senior developer or a midlevel project manager. In addition to her technical experience, her knowledge of group dynamics balance the book by educating the reader on how to manage conflict and personality differences within a requirements team–something that is missing from most requirements textbooks...It is a required ‘handbook’ that will be referred to again and again.”     –Kay Christian, ebusiness Consultant, Conifer, Colorado “Requirements by Collaboration is a ‘must read’ for any system stakeholder. End users and system analysts will learn the significant value they can add to the systems development process. Management will learn the tremendous return they may receive from making a modest time/people investment in facilitated sessions. Facilitators will discover ways to glean an amazing amount of high-quality information in a relatively brief time.”     –Russ Schwartz, Computer System Quality Consultant, Global Biotechnology Firm “In addition to showing how requirements are identified, evaluated, and confirmed, Ellen provides important guidance based on her own real-world experience for creating and managing the workshop environment in which requirements are generated. This book is an engaging and invaluable resource for project teams and sponsors, both business and IT, who are committed to achieving results in the most productive manner possible.”     –Hal Thilmony, Senior Manager, Business Process Improvement (Finance), CiscoSystems, Inc. “Project managers should read this book for assistance with planning the requirements process. Experienced facilitators will enrich their knowledge. New facilitators can use this book to get them up to speed and become more effective in less time.”     –Rob Stroober, Competence Development Manager and Project Manager, Deloitte &Touche Consultdata, The Netherlands “While many books discuss the details of software requirement artifacts (for example, use cases), Ellen’s new book zeros in on effective workshop techniques and tools used to gather the content of these artifacts. As a pioneer in requirements workshops, she shares her real-life experiences in a comprehensive and easy-to-read book with many helpful examples and diagrams.”     –Bill Bird, Aera Energy LLC “Requirements by Collaboration is absolutely full of guidance on the most effective ways to use workshops in requirements capture. This book will help workshop owners and facilitators to determine and gain agreement on a sound set of requirements, which will form a solid foundation for the development work that is to follow.”     –Jennifer Stapleton, Software Process Consultant and author of DSDM: The Methodin Practice “This book provides an array of techniques within a clear, structured process, along with excellent examples of how and when to use them. It’s an excellent, practical, and really useful handbook written by a very experienced author!”     –Jean-Anne Kirk, Director DSDM Consortium and IAF Professional Development “Ellen has written a detailed, comprehensive, and practical handbook for facilitating groups in gathering requirements. The processes she outlines give the facilitator tools to bring together very different perspectives from stakeholders elegantly and with practical, useable results.”     –Jo Nelson, Principal, ICA Associates, Inc., Chair, IAF (2001-2002) Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs focuses on the human side of software development--how well we work with our customers and teammates. Experience shows that the quality and degree of participation, communication, respect, and trust among all the stakeholders in a project can strongly influence its success or failure. Ellen Gottesdiener points out that such qualities are especially important when defining user requirements and she shows in this book exactly what to do about that fact. Gottesdiener shows specifically how to plan and conduct requirements workshops. These carefully organized and facilitated meetings bring business managers, technical staff, customers, and users into a setting where, together, they can discover, evolve, validate, verify, and agree upon their product needs. Not only are their requirements more effectively defined through this collaboration, but the foundation is laid for good teamwork throughout the entire project. Other books focus on how to build the product right. Requirements by Collaboration focuses instead on what must come first--the right product to build.

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Heißt es "der Workshop" oder "das Workshop"?

    Es heißt "der Workshop". Das Wort "Workshop" ist im Deutschen maskulin und wird daher mit dem bestimmten Artikel "der" verwendet.

  • Was ist Blende und Verschlusszeit?

    Was ist Blende und Verschlusszeit? Blende bezieht sich auf die Öffnung in der Kamera, die die Menge an Licht steuert, die auf den Sensor fällt. Eine größere Blendenöffnung lässt mehr Licht herein und erzeugt eine geringere Tiefenschärfe, während eine kleinere Blendenöffnung weniger Licht hereinlässt und eine größere Tiefenschärfe erzeugt. Die Verschlusszeit hingegen bestimmt, wie lange der Sensor Licht ausgesetzt ist. Eine längere Verschlusszeit führt zu mehr Bewegungsunschärfe, während eine kürzere Verschlusszeit Bewegungen einfriert. Beide Einstellungen sind entscheidend für die Belichtung und den kreativen Ausdruck in der Fotografie.

  • "Was sind die wichtigsten Techniken, die man in einem Fotografie-Workshop lernen kann?"

    In einem Fotografie-Workshop kann man lernen, wie man die Kamera richtig einstellt, um die besten Bilder zu erhalten. Außerdem werden Techniken zur Bildkomposition und Beleuchtung vermittelt. Auch das Bearbeiten von Fotos mit Bildbearbeitungssoftware kann ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Workshops sein.

  • Wofür wird die Blende an einer Kamera verwendet und wie beeinflusst sie die Belichtung eines Fotos?

    Die Blende an einer Kamera wird verwendet, um die Menge an Licht zu regulieren, die auf den Sensor fällt. Sie beeinflusst die Belichtung eines Fotos, indem sie die Größe der Öffnung im Objektiv kontrolliert, durch die das Licht einfällt. Eine größere Blendenöffnung lässt mehr Licht herein und führt zu einer helleren Belichtung, während eine kleinere Blendenöffnung weniger Licht durchlässt und zu einer dunkleren Belichtung führt.

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  • Workshop Book, The
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      Based on methods developed - and proven – in business, this highly visual and practical book will show readers how to design, lead and run effective workshops. The tools you need to design and lead successful workshops yourself Ways to enhance the collective intelligence of any team, keeping them focussed and engaged Tricks and tips for structuring time to generate maximum productivity in a limited session Advice on how to find inspiration and creativity to generate great ideas for any industry or brief Workshop fundamentals, so you can add your own flair The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

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  • Kannst du keiner CSGO Workshop Map beitreten?

    Es könnte verschiedene Gründe geben, warum ich keiner CSGO Workshop Map beitreten kann. Es könnte sein, dass ich nicht über das erforderliche Spiel oder die erforderlichen Erweiterungen verfüge, um der Map beizutreten. Es könnte auch sein, dass es technische Probleme gibt, die mich daran hindern, der Map beizutreten.

  • Wie kann Collaboration effektiv genutzt werden, um die Teamarbeit und Produktivität zu steigern?

    Durch regelmäßige Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit können Teammitglieder ihre Stärken und Schwächen besser verstehen und effizienter zusammenarbeiten. Die Nutzung von Tools wie Projektmanagement-Software und virtuellen Meeting-Plattformen kann die Effizienz und Produktivität des Teams steigern. Klare Ziele, Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten innerhalb des Teams fördern eine effektive Zusammenarbeit und tragen dazu bei, dass alle Mitglieder zum Erfolg des Projekts beitragen.

  • Wo wird der Steam Workshop-Inhalt gespeichert?

    Der Steam Workshop-Inhalt wird auf den Steam-Servern gespeichert. Wenn du einen Workshop-Inhalt abonnierst, wird er automatisch heruntergeladen und in einem speziellen Ordner auf deiner Festplatte gespeichert, der mit dem Spiel verknüpft ist.

  • "Was würden Kinder gerne in einem Workshop lernen und erleben?" "Welche Themen und Aktivitäten wünschen sich Kinder bei einem Workshop?"

    Kinder würden gerne in einem Workshop kreativ sein und neue Fähigkeiten erlernen. Sie wünschen sich Themen wie Malen, Basteln, Musik, Tanz oder auch Experimente. Aktivitäten wie Spiele, Theater, Sport oder Naturerkundungen stehen ebenfalls hoch im Kurs.

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